Saturday, 16 July 2016

Real Change or Slacktivism?

Slacktvism is an action performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement. It is a term that combines the words “slacker” and “activism”. Critics believe these actions are merely for participant satisfaction because the lack engagement and commitment fail to produce any tangible change in promoting the cause.

Benefits of Slacktivism:

  • Awareness-  Liking a page, post and any other action may not make real impact but it does create awareness. Ultimately you never know who will read your post and take action to it. Although it may not be a financial action, it should not be dismissed as not adding to the bottom line. As Jason Stern, an attorney says “Slacktivists are not useless because by raising global awareness, the do contribute in a small way. But they are not activists.”

Disadvantages of Slacktivism: 

  • People aren’t doing anything, awareness may be good but action is needed to make real change.
  • No physical or direct involvement like sitting at a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro in 1960.

Malcolm Gladwell believes social media is build around weak ties and real social change can never come from loose networks of people that do not know each other. I agree with this belief, its just to easy to say “I agree” and then LIKE SHARE TWEET. Social media may create awareness but I don’t see an ultimate change in using this network.

In Woodstock, Ontario this past June high school students held a walkout following teen suicide crisis urging the government to address what many see as a growing problem in small communities. News and social media bought awareness. But it took the students to speak together in a protest. The school board is talking now about adding mental health to the curriculum and adding additional support into the local schools. This example proves that activism is a much stronger way to pursue a problem because people directly connectied to an issue have more passion for change.

Activism and fundraising are always something that come hand and hand.
Fundly an online fundraising site that helps you raise money. They help you tell your story and connect with donors. Your family and friends help thorough social media by linking to a direct ROI (Return on investment). I think it only works if you know the person directly, personally I would never give money online  to someone or something that I did not know firsthand.   Microphilanthropy is a form of charitable donation that is small in the donated amount. In the past micro-donations have been used most effectively by companies collecting spare change at registers and checkouts. I think that sites like Fundly is a good way to get more action from “slacktivist” moving forward. Although with anything there are always disadvantages. They are working out laws and restrictions to make sure that people cant take advantage of this type of fundraising. Making sure that it is used in the proper way for the proper people.


Jason Stern, an attorney specializing on internet and social media issues:

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